Our Philosophy

We adopt a success-oriented approach towards Dental/ Orthodontic treatment. This is very different from the traditional approach, so it needs to be described in detail.

Many young kids want to know - " Why do I have crooked teeth?" Or "Why did my previous Orthodontic treatment relapsed? " However, we feel this is the wrong question - and if you ask the wrong question, you get the wrong answer! Rather than focusing on what your problem is, you should focus on the solution - which is, straight teeth with no relapse! This means that the question you should be asking is "What can we do to get straight teeth without relapse?"

Instead of spending time, money and energy on clinic to clinic consultation, it makes more sense to select treatment options which maximise the chances of getting successful treatment results. You should concentrate on treatment paths and action plans - the next step forward, rather than worry about diagnostic labels.

Fortunately, today with advanced technology, we are better at solving problems for crooked teeth.